Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Oor Mad History - what next?

Oor Mad History at work

We had a great afternoon today, talking about Oor Mad History. Kirsten reminded us of everything we've done since we first got started in the summer of 2008 and then we talked about what we want to do next.

We came up with lots of ideas, most of which involved humour and creativity and how Oor Mad History can challenge stigma and outdated ideas about mad people.

So now we need to go through all the post-it notes and flip chart sheets and see what we can do.

Thanks to everyone who came today and to everyone who has been involved over the past few years. Onwards and upwards!

1 comment:

Laura Brouard said...

It was a great afternoon - thanks for inviting me! So inspiring to listen to everyone's ideas. Can't wait until the OMH archive arrives with us at Lothian Health Services Archive!