Hello! Great news is that we have had 6 people apply to be oral history interviewers. This is brilliant and I am looking forward to working with everyone. Look out, volunteers with voice recorders are heading your way soon!
We are planning to get together soon for a workshop to plan the questions for the interviews. We'll be starting the interviews at the start of May.
Other news is we have joined the Lothian planning group for the Scottish Mental Health and Arts Festival. We are hoping to run some kind of event to coincide with this years festival in October. One idea is to include a writing element in Oor Mad History - Oor Mad Stories. This would allow people to write down a memory about the user movement instead of giving an audio interview. It would allow more people to contribute to the archive. Let me know what you think of this idea.
I've also been sent a book of plays, short stories, poems etc by Anne Bardsley (key service user activist in early user movement days). We are keen to do something with Anne too.
As I said, get in touch with any ideas for the festival or if you want to get involved! Call Kirsten at CAPS on 0131 538 7177